Grade NINE
â—¦Math - 4 hours
â—¦English - 4 hours
â—¦General Science - 4 hours
â—¦Social Sciences- 3 hours
-Social Studies
-Caribbean History

â—¦Foreign Languages - 3 hours
â—¦Technical Innovations - 4 hours
(Students select 1 course from the elective list)
Technical Drawing
Electronic Engineering
Food, Nutrition and Health
Fashion Design
Robotics 1 (Sphero)
â—¦Music, Theatre, Visual Arts - 2 hours
â—¦Physical Education - 1 hour

Grade 10 - 12

Business Department
Principles of Accounts is a course of study that introduces the principles and techniques that accountants employ in measuring, processing, evaluating, and communicating information about the financial performance and position of a business.
The course in Principles of Accounts helps students to develop an understanding of a range of theoretical and practical techniques used in accounting. It helps to develop skills that should enable them to participate more effectively and responsibly in today’s business environment, to improve the management of personal financial activities, such as budgeting, savings, and investment. In addition, this course prepares students for post-secondary and professional studies in accounting.

English Department
Literatures in English syllabus comprises two Units, each containing three Modules corresponding to the three literary genres: Drama, Poetry, and Prose Fiction. The Caribbean experience has provided the context for a rich and varied literature which has earned a crucial place in the global family of literatures in English. It seeks to encourage critical reading, interpretation, evaluation and an appreciation of, and an informed personal response to literature. On completion of the syllabus, students should understand, and be able to use the vocabulary of literary criticism and develop informed, sensitive, and balanced responses to the complexity of human nature as portrayed in literary works. It also seeks to assist in molding the ideal Caribbean person. Such a person displays a high level of self-esteem, lives in harmony with the environment, values human life, and takes pride in our cultural heritage and diversity.

Exceptional Education
Student support provides additional support to our students on our school campus. It is the department that provides services and support for student success at our institutions to enhance student growth and development.
Family & Consumer Department
Home Economics is an interdisciplinary field of study that comprises three major options: Family and Resource Management; Textiles, Clothing and Fashion; and Food, Nutrition and Health. Students pursuing this syllabus will develop competencies in an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills and abilities. The syllabus is geared towards helping learners matriculate to higher learning,
sustain lifelong learning, integrate readily and attain employment in industry in a wide variety of
careers in Family Support Services, Health Sector Food and Hospitality industries, Fashion and
Interior Design.

Foreign Language Department
Foreign Language:-
Spanish and French are areas of focus or concentration in your academic course program. They are each worth FOUR credits each year.

Mathematics Department
Mathematics syllabus will not only provide students with more advanced mathematical ideas, skills and techniques, but encourage them to understand the concepts involved, why and how they “work” and how they are interconnected. It is also to be hoped that, in this way, students will lose the fear associated with having to learn a multiplicity of seemingly unconnected facts, procedures and formulae. In addition, the course should show them that mathematical concepts lend themselves to generalizations, and that there is enormous scope for applications to solving real problems. The course is therefore intended to provide quality in selected areas rather than in a large number of topics.Languages

Music Department
Music: (Senior School Band & Voice Programme)
Students who would like to take the option of Music as a subject in tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades are required to adhere to the following.
• Students must have at least a B average in Music and a recommendation from a practical music teacher in order to be recommended for admittance to the Senior School Band/Voice Programme.
• Recommended students must successfully audition for Senior Concert Band/Senior Concert Choir by the end of September.
• Recommended students are required to register and complete both Royal Schools of Music Grade IV Practical and Theory Examinations in tenth and eleventh grades and Royal Schools of Music Grade V Practical and Theory Examinations in twelfth grade.
• Students who take the option of admittance to the Senior School Band/Voice Programme.
• Students must attend all Senior Concert Band/Concert Choir rehearsals. Students who do not fulfil this obligation will have 20% deducted from their overall grade at the end of every term that they are not a part of the ensemble full time.

Physical Education Department
Physical Education as an integral part of the general education process contributes to an individual’s awareness and understanding of the elements and dimensions of movement and forms the basis for the learning of sport skills. Sport, on the other hand, is viewed as a vehicle for the enhancement of fundamental motor skills and the development of complex skills learnt through a properly structured Physical Education and Sport programme. It is governed by formal or informal rules that involve competition and may be pursued for recreation or reward while promoting healthy lifestyle practices.

Science Department

Physics is a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. It is concerned with systems, laws, models, principles, and theories that explain the physical behaviour of our world and the universe. Physics is regarded as a fundamental scientific discipline since all advances in technology can be traced either directly or indirectly to physical laws and theories.
Social Sciences Department
Caribbean History, the content within each theme has been stated in such a way as to permit exploration of a variety of organizing principles. Nevertheless, the selection of themes and their content has been informed by a desire to promote a distinctly Caribbean perspective. This perspective acknowledges the need for a respect of human life and a cultural heritage that values harmony and cherishes diversity as a strength.
Caribbean History:
The Indigenous Peoples and the Europeans
Caribbean Economy and Slavery
Resistance and Revolt
Metropolitan Movements towards Emancipation
Adjustments to Emancipation, 1838 – 1876
Caribbean Economy, 1875 – 1985
The United States in the Caribbean, 1776 – 1985
Caribbean Political Development up to 1985
Caribbean Society 1900 – 1985

Technical Department
The Technical Drawing syllabus focuses on the development of competencies in geometric construction, descriptive geometry, engineering designs and graphics, electrical, mechanical, manufacturing and construction drafting. These are geared toward the development of students’ spatial visualization, technical communication, interdisciplinary and employability skills. These skills are useful for careers in drafting, architecture, surveying, civil engineering, interior designing, design engineering and in the general construction and manufacturing industries. In addition, the programme of studies in the syllabus caters for those students who will seek entry level employment in related fields.

Visual Arts Department
Visual Arts:- Fibre & Decorative Arts, Ceramics & Sculpture, Drawing, Graphics & Communication.