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The tables below show the mandatory and open subjects for Grades 10 - 12
Grade 12 Student Government
The election for the Student Government has concluded!
Congratulations to our new Student Government officials.
Cheers to a bright academic future for the Elmore Stoutt High School!
Melany Payano

My goal as President is not to only represent my class but to also represent the school. I aim to lead the way to the best of my ability and create solutions to current and future issues in the school.
Vice President
Aadi Parillon

The goals that I am trying to reach as Vice President is to act as a representative for students, to hear opinions/ideas of my peers and to make sure all voices are taken into consideration to make our school experience the best it can be.
Brea Brodie

My main goal for being secretary is to ensure that the administrative aspect of the council is running smoothly to help provide the best results possible for the class of 2023.
Crystal Maximea

As treasurer my goal would be to ensure that I can better the schools' future with my financial strategy.
Public Relations Officer
Raheem Hodge

My goal as Public Relations Officer is to change the view of the graduating Class of 2023. I want to enrich and enhance our image.
Business Manager
De'Jha Walters

My goals are to have fun, organized, enjoyable, memorable, and exciting events and activities for the class of 2023, and the other grades as well and to leave a long lasting impression that our graduating class does it best in what we do!
Ashleigh Penn

My overall goal is to ensure class of 2023 is heard at all times.
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