I am a proud member of the Elmore Stoutt High School and with God's help; I will be diligent in my studies and mindful of my behaviour.
I pledge to uphold the rules and standards of the school, which are designed to promote positive and productive growth in myself, the community and the world at large, of which I am a part.
The Elmore Stoutt High School values all students and believes that each individual has an equal entitlement to an appropriate high quality education which enables then to achieve success. In order to make this happen, the school promotes:
Life-Long Learning as an active, challenging and enjoyable experience.
A curriculum offering all students a broad and appropriate education with opportunity for success.
Effective teaching.
A safe, caring, disciplined, attractive and stimulating environment.
Positive partnership between the home and school and between the school and community.
This institution shares a vision of quality education that will equip students spiritually, socially and academically to assume their role as productive citizens.
I would be true, for there are those who trust me; I would be pure, for there are those who care;
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer; I would be brave, for there is much to dare.
I would be friend of all- the foe, the friendless; I would be giving, and forget the gift;
I would be humble, for I know my weakness; I would look up, and laugh, and love and lift.
Over the few years we were taught to do right, to leave all the wrong things way out of sight.
With teachers we can depend on and a principal so strong, I know my Elmore Stoutt High School will keep moving on.
Parent Pick up/Drop Off

School Bell Rings and Chimes
The school bell rings at the beginning of school, after break, after lunch, and at the end of the school day.
Each class period concludes with an arpeggio chime, signaling the end of the session.
The five-minute tardy signal, known as the "v chord," indicates that students have missed the start of class by five minutes.
Emergency Lockdown Procedures
Emergency Fire Alarm
WARNING, a fire has been detected, please vacate the building and proceed to the evacuation route.
R.A.M.S. Methodology

Respectful to all individuals, including your peers
Accountable for your success
Memorable times
Safe environment for the entire school community


Do the Right Thing!