Student Expectations
We at ESHS EXPECT our students to have the maturity and good judgment to regulate their own behaviour and to conduct themselves in a manner that does not violate the rights and privileges of others. Students are required to respect all members of the school community, as well as adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and the Education Act.
A school without consistent student expectations lacks the necessary structure that students require to be successful. Reliable guidelines allow teachers to closely anticipate student behaviour. Without clearly defined expectations, students are left to figure out for themselves what is considered the right behaviour versus the wrong behaviour. This takes significant time and is typically learned through error. But by establishing expectations early on, and reviewing them repeatedly, more time can be devoted to teaching and learning.
Positive Behaviour Management Plan
At the Elmore Stoutt High School we the RAMS community strive to improve on every aspect of our student academic and personal environment and without a doubt a positive behaviour is a part of this endeavour. Through the RAMS way of doing things we intend to create a positive learning environment that fosters excellence and guide students in making good choices which will produce positive results. So as they grow, they may become productive citizens of the territory and the world in which they live.
Our goals of implementing our PBM plans for this year:
Improving Student academic performance
Reducing Bullying Behaviours
Reduce the number of suspensions
Reduce the number of office discipline referrals
Improve perception of safety at the school

Schoolwide Expectatons
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be honest
Be prepared
Be polite
Be considerate
Be on time, and prepared for class.
Be mindful of your behaviour
Be respectful to teachers, classmates, staff, and yourself
Follow all school and classroom rules.
Hand in all assignments ON TIME.
Be respectful of school property and other students
Wait to be dismissed from your classroom
Use an inside voice.
Adhere to Student Code of Conduct and Education Act

Behavioural Expectations
One of the most important reasons to teach behavioural expectations and routines across settings, so that all students know what is expected by all adults on campus. This will improve consistency across staff in holding students accountable for their behaviour by:
Demonstrating responsibility for their own behavior and learning:
Preparing mentally and physically for the process of learning:
Demonstrating respect for people and property:
Sharing responsibilities when working in a group:
Demonstrate Responsibility for your own behaviour and learning
Students should complete all homework, class work, and projects.
Students should make personal choices based on reasonable decision-making processes.
Students should accept the consequences of their actions.
Students should use time and other resources responsibly.
Students should attend school regularly and punctually.
Students should study regularly during any spare time.
Students should use books, electronic devices and other equipment appropriately
Prepare mentally and physically for the process of learning
Students should come to school nourished, rested, clean, properly dressed, and groomed.
Students should stay free of drugs and alcohol.
Students should arrive to school prepared to learn
Demonstrate respect for people and property
Students are encouraged to be honest, courteous, and polite.
Students are encouraged to respect the property of others.
Students are encouraged to accept the rights of others to their own opinions.
Students are encouraged to settle differences peacefully.
Students are encouraged to display good sportsmanship at school-related functions.
Students should not use of strong perfume and aerosols (due to possible allergic reactions of others).
Students are encouraged to participate in cleanliness of school facilities and property
Share responsibilites when working in groups
Students are encouraged to cooperate, contribute, and share in the work of the group.
Students are encouraged to accept and assume leadership when appropriate.
Students are encouraged to listen and respect the views of others